Message 05 - Be an example to the believers in purity 11/07/2021

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tim 4:12
Preletor(es): Marco Mello
Sumaré - SP


Message 04 - Be an example to the believers in love 11/07/2021

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tim 4:12
Preletor(es): Roberto Graner
Sumaré - SP


Message 03 - Be an example to the believers in conduct 10/07/2021

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tim 4:12
Preletor(es): Ulisses Jardim
Sumaré - SP


Message 02 - Be an example to the believers in the Word 10/07/2021

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tim. 4:12
Preletor(es): Chico Zé
Sumaré - SP


Message 01 - Be an example to the believers in faith 10/07/2021

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tim 4:12
Preletor(es): Elizeu de Souza
Sumaré - SP
