Message 38 - It is Time to Make Your Choice! (2) 13/12/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tess 5:4-8; Matt 24:42,44,45-47
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 37 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (10) 11/12/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Heb. 2:3a; Gen 6:11-14; Hb 11:7; 2 Pe 2:5
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 36 - It is Time to Make Your Choice! 06/12/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2Tess. 2: 13-14; Luke. 12: 35,40,42-44
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 35 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (9) 04/12/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Heb. 2:3a; Gen 6:5-9; 11-14
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 34 - Grace and Truth, Righteousness and Peace 29/11/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Ps. 85:10; Is. 32:17; Jo. 1: 14,17; Rom. 14:17
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 33 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (8) 27/11/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Heb. 2:3a; Gen 6:5-9; 11-14


Message 32 - Arrayed in Fine Linen, Bright and Pure 22/11/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Rev. 19: 7-8,14
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 31 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (7) 20/11/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Heb. 2:3a; Gen 6:5-9; 11-14
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 30 - One Spirit with the Lord and one Soul with the Apostles 15/11/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Cor. 6:17; Phil. 2: 2, 20-21
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 29 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (6) 13/11/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Thess. 1:10; 5: 9; 2 Thess. 2: 13-15; Heb. 2: 3a
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP

Message 28 - The Bride and the Army 08/11/2020

Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 27 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (5) 06/11/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Thess. 1:10; 5: 9; 2 Thess. 2: 13-15; Heb. 2: 3a
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 26 - The Church and Daniel's Last Week 01/11/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Dan. 9: 24-27
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 25 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (4) 30/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Thess. 1:10; 5: 9; 2 Thess. 2: 13-15; Heb. 2: 4
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 24 - After all, What is Restraining the Antichrist? 25/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2Tess. 2: 3-9
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 23 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (3) 24/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Thess. 1:10; 5: 9; 2 Thess. 2: 13-15; Heb. 2: 4
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 22 - Apostasy Will Precede the Coming of the Lord 18/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2 Tess. 2:1-4
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 21 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? (2) 17/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Thess. 1:10; 5: 9; 2 Thess. 2: 13-15; Heb. 2: 4
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 20 - Learning from the Parable of the Fig Tree 11/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Matt. 24: 32-44
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 19 - How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? 10/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Thess. 1:10; 5: 9; 2 Thess. 2: 13-15; Heb. 2: 4
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 18 - Enduring as a Terebinth Tree and as an Oak 04/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: Is 6:13
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 17 - The divine vaccine against lawlessness (2) 03/10/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2 Tess 2:7; 2 Tm 3:16
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 16 - Endurance- The Distinctive Sign of an Apostle 27/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2 Cor 12:12
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP

Message 15 - The divine vaccine against lawlessness 26/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2 Tess 2:7; 2 Tm 3:16
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP

Message 14 - The Endurance of Hope 20/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tess. 5:1-11
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 13 - The Mystery of Lawlesness (2) 19/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2 Tess. 2:7-8
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 12 - The Labor of Love (2) 13/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1Jn. 3:16; 4:7-11
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
São Paulo - SP


Message 11 - The Labor of Love (1) 13/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1Tess. 4:9-12
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
São Paulo - SP


Message 10 - The Mystery of Iniquity 12/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2 Tess. 2:7-8
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
São Paulo - SP


Message 09 - Worthy of God's calling 11/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 2 Tess. 1:11-12
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
São Paulo - SP


Message 08 - Sanctified Completely, Made Whole and Blameless 10/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tess. 5 : 23-24
Preletor(es): Miguel Ma
São Paulo - SP


Message 07 - Caring for the Faith in the End Times 09/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tess. 3 : 2,10
Preletor(es): Miguel Ma
São Paulo - SP


Message 06 - The Coming of the Lord is certain 08/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tess. 4:16-18
Preletor(es): André Dong
São Paulo - SP


Message 05 - God's will: Your Sanctification 07/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tess. 4:3-4
Preletor(es): André Dong
- SP


Message 04 - The Work of Faith 06/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1Tess. 1:5-9
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
São Paulo - SP


Message 03 - A Bird's Eye View 06/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1Tess. 1:1,3,5-10
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
São Paulo - SP


Message 02 - God calls us into His own Kingdom and Glory 05/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tess. 2:12
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
São Paulo - SP


Message 01 - The Power of the Gospel 04/09/2020

Leitura Bíblica: 1 Tess. 1:5
Preletor(es): Ezra Ma
São Paulo - SP


Talk - GTC 07/09/2020

Preletor(es): Amir Silva e Lennon Santos
São Paulo - SP


Talk - Dynamic Colporting 07/09/2020

Preletor(es): Amir Silva e Douglas
São Paulo - SP


Talk - Tree of Life Paper 07/09/2020

Preletor(es): Elizeu de Souza
São Paulo - SP


Talk - Godspeed 07/09/2020

Preletor(es): Jovens
São Paulo - SP
