Message 5 - Where am I, where am I going to, and why do I exist? 21/07/2024

Biblical Reading: Heb. 2:10
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP

Message 4 - Functioning of the Body 20/07/2024

Biblical Reading: Act 2:42; 1 Jo 1:2; Mt 20:25-27
Speaker(s): André Dong
Sumaré - SP

Message 3 - Kingdom Investors 19/07/2024

Biblical Reading: Is 55:10-11
Speaker(s): Amir Silva
Sumaré - SP

Message 1 - Servants, Friends and Brothers 18/07/2024

Biblical Reading: Jo 15:15; 20:17
Speaker(s): Ildeu Santos
Sumaré - SP