Message 64 - To thr overcomer, i will give power over the nations 15/08/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2:26-29
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
São Paulo - SP


Message 63 - Consider these things (7) 13/08/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim 2:7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
São Paulo - SP


Message 62 -To the angel of the church in thyatira write 08/08/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2:18-29
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 61 - Consider these things (6) 06/08/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim 2:7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 60 - Hidden Manna and a White Stone 01/08/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2:16-17
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 59 - Consider these things (5) 30/07/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim 2:7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 58 - Pergamos: Deviations and consequences 25/07/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2:16-17
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 57 - Consider these things (4) 23/07/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim 2:7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
São Paulo - SP


Message 56 - The Church-World Union 11/07/2021

Biblical Reading: Matt. 13:31-32
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 55 - Consider these things (3) 09/07/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim 2:7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 54 - To the Angel of the Church in Pergamos Write 04/07/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2:12-17
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 53 - Consider these things (2) 02/07/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim 2:7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 52 - The Overcomer of the Church in Smirna 27/06/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2:11
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 51 - Consider these things 25/06/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim 2:7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 50 - The Governing by the Spirit 20/06/2021

Biblical Reading: 1Cor. 12:4-6.11; Eph. 4:11-12; Gen. 24:2
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 49 – Searching for the saints... 18/06/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim. 1:15-18
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 48 - The Wheat and the Tare 13/06/2021

Biblical Reading: Matt. 13: 24-30
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 47 – Am I still useful? 11/06/2021

Biblical Reading: Mc. 16:7; Jn. 21:15-19
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 46 - The Search For the Preeminence in the Church 06/06/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 3:6-7; 3Jn. 9-10; Acts 20:17-21.24
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 45 - I Need to Survive: My Mission is not Over 04/06/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Kings 19:1-19; 2 Tim 4:5
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 44 - The Decline of the Church 30/05/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim. 4: 1-5; Acts 20: 28-30
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 43 - I can't stand it anymore (2) 28/05/2021

Biblical Reading: Nm 11:11, 14-15; 1 Rs 19:4
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 42 - Be Faithful until Death 23/05/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2:10
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 41 - I can't stand it anymore 21/05/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Cor. 11:29; 1 Cor. 4: 9, 11-13
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 40 - To the Angel of the Church in Esmirna Write 16/05/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2: 8-11
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 39 - The Power of Christ may Rest upon Me (4) 14/05/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Cor. 12:9
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 38 - He Who Has an Ear, Let Him Hear What the Spirit Says to the Churches 09/05/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2: 7,11,17,29; 3: 6,13,22
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 37 - The Power of Christ may Rest upon Me (3) 07/05/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Cor. 12:9
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 36 - The Desirable Church 02/05/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2: 1: Gen. 24:16; Eph. 5: 25-27
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 35 - The Power of Christ may Rest upon Me (2) 30/04/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Cor. 12:9
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 34 - To the Angel of the Church of Ephesus 25/04/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 2: 1-7
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 33 - The Power of Christ may Rests upon Me 23/04/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Cor. 12:9
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 32- The First Four Seals 18/04/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 6:1-8
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message - Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit 17/04/2021

Biblical Reading: Zc 4:6
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong


Message 31 - If We Suffer with Him ... 16/04/2021

Biblical Reading: Rom. 8:17
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 30 - No One was Found Worthy to Open the Book 11/04/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 5: 1-6
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 29 - The Gospel of the Son of Man 09/04/2021

Biblical Reading: Luke 19:10; Act. 7:56; Rev. 1:13
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 28 - The Twenty-Four Elders Cast Their Crowns Before the Throne 04/04/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 4: 4, 10-11
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 27 - Paul's Gospel (3) 02/04/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim. 2: 8
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP

Message 26 - Four Living Creatures 28/03/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 4: 6; Ezek. 1: 4-5
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 25 - Paul's Gospel (2) 26/03/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim. 2: 8
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 24 - Lightnings, Voices and Thunderings 21/03/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 4: 1-5
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 23 - Paul's Gospel 19/03/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim. 2: 8
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 22 - Things Which Must Shortly Take Place 14/03/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 1: 1; 4: 1
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 21 - The Glorious Gospel of God (2) 12/03/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tm. 1:11
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 20 - The Seven Spirits Before the Throne of God 07/03/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 1:4; 4:5; 5:6
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 19 - The Glorious Gospel of God 05/03/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tm. 1:11
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP

Message 18 - The Age of the Seven Spirits 28/02/2021

Biblical Reading: Rev. 1: 4-6
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 17 - Fan into Flame the Gift of God 27/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim. 1: 6
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 16 - God's Work is Administered by the Spirit 21/02/2021

Biblical Reading: Gen. 24: 2; Acts 1: 4-5, 8; 2: 1-4, 16-18; 13: 2-4
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 15 - The Importance of Staying Healthy 21/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 1: 3-4, 10; 6: 3; 2 Tim. 1:13; 4: 3; Tit. 1: 9, 13; 2: 2, 8
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 14- Finishing the Race and Keeping the Faith 20/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim. 4: 7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 13 - The Fight, The Race, The Faith 19/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 2 Tim. 4: 7
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 12- But You, O Man of God 18/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 5:17; 6:3, 11-12, 20-21
Speaker(s): Miguel Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 11- God Manifested in the Flesh 17/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 5:1-2, 8-10; 6:1-2
Speaker(s): Miguel Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 10 - A Good Minister of Christ Jesus 16/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 4:6, 8, 9
Speaker(s): André Dong
Sumaré - SP

Message 09 - Qualifications for Elders and Deacons 15/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 3:1, 9
Speaker(s): André Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 08 - Author: The Apostle Paul (2) 14/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 2Tm 4:6-8
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 07 - Author: The Apostle Paul (1) 14/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 1: 1-2; 2 Tim. 1: 1-2
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 06 - The Church's prayer 13/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 2:1-3
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 05 - The Church: The Great Mystery of Godliness 12/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 3:16
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 04 - Recipient: Timothy (2) 07/02/2021

Biblical Reading: Phil. 2:19-22; 2 Tim. 4:1-5, 9-13
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 03 - The Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth 05/02/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 3:15b
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP


Message 02 - Recipient: Timothy (1) 31/01/2021

Biblical Reading: Acts 16: 1-3; 2 Tim. 1: 2-5
Speaker(s): Pedro Dong
Sumaré - SP


Message 01 - The Church: The House of God 29/01/2021

Biblical Reading: 1 Tim. 3: 15a
Speaker(s): Ezra Ma
Sumaré - SP
